OK - so I know these aren't papercuttings either, and I know I should've been doing laundry, or cleaning or cooking or anything else useful for that matter...but they were so much fun to make! I was considering making them to sell at my son's school Christmas fair, but then my friend pointed out that selling something to kids that's jam-packed full of pins, might not be the best idea from a health and safety point of view! I also considered selling them on Etsy, but I'm not sure that they'll exactly fly out the door.
So instead, I'll just make them because they're fun and I can always give them away as presents! After all, what's a Jewish girl like me going to do with a load of sequined Christmas baubles???!!! I'll have to have a Chanukah bush this year instead.
To make them, all you need is some polystyrene balls, sequins, beads and sequin pins... oh and lots of patience. These balls are only 60mm in diameter but each one has about 500 sequins on it.